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Yellow Bus service

Yellow Bus service is available at Johnny Bright School. If you are interested in having your child take the bus, please visit the Student Transportation website links below to find out more and apply for service. *Please note, junior high students are encouraged to use ETS bus service to save space on the yellow bus for our younger riders. Yellow Bus passes will be available through the office for a fee of $30 per month which will be payable on the first of each month online via SchoolZone. 

NEW RIDERS for 2024-25
Complete the 2024-25 yellow bus service application form if your child requires services starting AUGUST 29, 2024 (first day of school). You must apply by June 1, 2024 to make sure your child receives service on the first day of school. 

More information can be found at https://www.epsb.ca/schools/gettoschool/transportation/yellowbus/

Get to School on the bus

Eligibility and Conditional Riders

Applying for Yellow Bus Service